Dream Home

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Everyone knows where babies come from,

But only we know where they go,

As we put them to bed we shed a tear,

To feed the seeds that we sow.

Special care we take with our tiny friends,

Our favourite flowers we grow,

We wish and wish that they would stay,

But deep in our hearts we know.

Once finished in the garden the little dears scrubbed their hands 'til red, then rushed to the kitchen. They didn't want to be late. Jack and Little Mary never really enjoyed meal times, though they knew it was a sin not to be thankful. Nanny and Boris took such an unusual interest in watching the little ones eat, and helping them to eat, it was often difficult to enjoy the food. They sometimes whispered about this. What they most enjoyed was being able to take their meals to their own private spaces, alone. This may sound a little strange, but you must remember to respect each persons personal preference. Anyway, they had breakfast, the same slop as always, which they called 'red mush', they were stared at, felt a little queasy, then returned to their 'rooms'. "Come on Jack, lets go listen to some Elvish", wheezed Little Mary. And they limped, stumbled and crawled away to their own private spaces.